20 other ways to say happy birthday in advance

When you want to express your birthday wishes ahead of time, it can be more engaging to use creative and varied phrases.

Here, we explore 20 different ways to say happy birthday in advance, each accompanied by a scenario example to help illustrate how you might use these expressions in real-life situations.

These examples include emails, messages, and conversations with friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Let’s dive into these diverse ways to make someone feel special before their birthday arrives.

1. Hope your upcoming birthday is amazing!

Scenario: Email to a close friend

Subject: Early Birthday Wishes!

Hi Jamie,

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how excited I am about your birthday next week. Hope your upcoming birthday is amazing! I’m sure you’ll have a fantastic time celebrating with everyone.



2. Wishing you an early happy birthday!

Scenario: Text message to a family member

Hey Sarah,

Just a quick message to say wishing you an early happy birthday! Can’t wait to celebrate with you soon.



3. Can’t wait to celebrate your special day!

Scenario: Message on a colleague’s card

Dear John,

I know your birthday is still a few days away, but I wanted to say can’t wait to celebrate your special day! Have a great one!



4. Pre-birthday cheers to you!

Pre-birthday cheers to you!

Scenario: Social media post for a friend

Happy early birthday, Emma! Pre-birthday cheers to you! Let’s make your birthday week unforgettable!

5. Enjoy your birthday week!

Scenario: Friendly chat at work

Hey Mark,

I know your birthday is coming up this Friday. Enjoy your birthday week! Do you have any special plans?

6. Sending early birthday wishes your way!

Scenario: Greeting card to a cousin

Hi Linda,

Just wanted to send some love and early birthday wishes your way! Have an amazing day filled with joy and laughter.

Warm regards,


7. Have a fantastic birthday ahead!

Scenario: Email to a team member

Subject: Early Birthday Shoutout!

Hi Greg,

Have a fantastic birthday ahead! I hope you get to relax and enjoy your special day. Looking forward to celebrating with you soon.



8. Wishing you joy and fun in advance!

Scenario: Text message to a friend

Hey Sam,

Wishing you joy and fun in advance! Let’s make sure we have a blast celebrating your birthday this weekend.



9. May your birthday be filled with happiness!

Scenario: Letter to a distant relative

Dear Aunt Mary,

I know it’s a bit early, but I wanted to be the first to say may your birthday be filled with happiness! I hope your day is as wonderful as you are.



10. Early birthday blessings to you!

Scenario: Message in a religious community group

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to send out early birthday blessings to you, Rachel! May your day be filled with joy and God’s grace.


Pastor John

11. Anticipating your best birthday yet!

Scenario: Text to a best friend

Hey Lily,

Anticipating your best birthday yet! Let’s make it an unforgettable one.



12. Get ready for a wonderful birthday!

Scenario: Email to a coworker

Subject: Exciting Birthday Ahead!

Hi Kevin,

Get ready for a wonderful birthday! I hope you have plans to do something special. You deserve it!



Don’t miss read out this  other ways to say welcome home

13. Early happy birthday greetings!

Scenario: Card to a neighbor

Hi Mr. Johnson,

Just wanted to drop by with early happy birthday greetings! Hope your day is filled with joy and cake!

Best wishes,

Tom and Family

14. Excited for your upcoming birthday!

Scenario: Casual chat with a friend

Hey Daniel,

Excited for your upcoming birthday! Any big plans? Let’s make sure to catch up and celebrate.



15. Warm wishes for your special day ahead!

Scenario: Email to a mentor

Subject: Warm Birthday Wishes!

Dear Dr. Harris,

I know your birthday is approaching, so I wanted to send warm wishes for your special day ahead! Thank you for all your guidance and support.



16. Pre-happy birthday hugs!

Pre-happy birthday hugs!

Scenario: Message to a sibling

Hey Katie,

Sending pre-happy birthday hugs! Can’t wait to give you a real one soon. Enjoy your day!



17. Cheers to your birthday in advance!

Scenario: Social media shoutout

Hey everyone,

Let’s all give a big shoutout to Michelle! Cheers to your birthday in advance! Hope it’s the best one yet.

18. Have a splendid birthday celebration!

Scenario: Greeting card to a friend

Dear Tony,

Just wanted to wish you a splendid birthday celebration! Hope it’s filled with everything you love.



19. Wishing you a joyous birthday ahead of time!

Scenario: Email to a colleague

Subject: Early Birthday Wishes

Hi Sarah,

Wishing you a joyous birthday ahead of time! Hope you get to relax and enjoy yourself.



20. Hope your birthday is as awesome as you!

Scenario: Text message to a friend

Hey Max,

Just wanted to say hope your birthday is as awesome as you! Looking forward to celebrating with you.

Take care,


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