20 Other ways to say this quote shows


In the realm of language, diversity is key to eloquence. The richness of expression lies not only in the words we choose but also in the myriad ways we can convey meaning.

The phrase “this quote shows” is a staple in literary analysis, but its frequent use can render it mundane. Expanding your repertoire of expressions can add flair and depth to your writing.

In this article, we explore 20 alternative ways to articulate the idea encapsulated by “this quote shows,” accompanied by scenario examples to illustrate their usage.

1. This Quote Highlights

Scenario: Imagine you’re writing an analytical essay and want to emphasize a particularly impactful quotation.

Dear Professor Johnson,

In my analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird, I found a passage that highlights the pervasive racial prejudices in Maycomb County. Atticus Finch’s poignant words, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view,” highlight the theme of empathy prevalent throughout the novel.

Sincerely, Emma

2. This Quote Illustrates

This Quote Illustrates

Scenario: You’re drafting a research paper and need to demonstrate how a quote supports your argument.

Dear Team,

The excerpt from Dr. King’s speech illustrates the struggles of marginalized communities striving for equality. His powerful statement, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” illustrates the interconnectedness of social justice movements.

Best regards, David

3. This Quote Signifies

Scenario: You’re analyzing poetry and want to convey the deeper meaning behind a line.

Hello Ms. Roberts,

The stanza from Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” signifies the existential dilemma of choice. The line, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,” signifies the protagonist’s commitment to individualism.

Warm regards, Sophia

4. This Quote Demonstrates

Scenario: You’re discussing a literary theme in a group discussion and need to provide evidence from a text.

Hi Everyone,

The dialogue between Hamlet and Ophelia demonstrates the theme of deception in Shakespeare’s play. Hamlet’s remark, “Frailty, thy name is woman,” demonstrates his disillusionment with female duplicity.

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Cheers, Michael

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5. This Quote Indicates

Scenario: You’re writing a critique and want to suggest a possible interpretation of a quotation.

Dear Review Committee,

The passage from Orwell’s 1984 indicates the omnipresence of government surveillance. Winston’s reflection, “Big Brother is Watching You,” indicates the oppressive regime’s control over individual autonomy.

Kind regards, Olivia

6. This Quote Reveals

Scenario: You’re analyzing a historical document and need to uncover the underlying motives of a statement.

Hello Colleagues,

The excerpt from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address reveals his commitment to preserving the Union. His assertion, “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” reveals his dedication to democratic ideals.

Best wishes, Ethan

7. This Quote Conveys

Scenario: You’re composing a literary review and want to convey the emotional impact of a quotation.

Dear Book Club Members,

The dialogue between Jane and Mr. Rochester conveys the tumultuous nature of their relationship. Jane’s declaration, “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me,” conveys her assertion of independence.

Happy reading, Ava

8. This Quote Expresses

Scenario: You’re analyzing a character’s motives in a play and want to describe their inner turmoil.

Hi Classmates,

The soliloquy in Macbeth expresses the protagonist’s inner conflict. His lament, “Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow,” expresses his nihilistic worldview.

Warm regards, Nathan

9. This Quote Portrays

Scenario: You’re critiquing a film and want to describe how a particular scene captures a character’s essence.

Dear Film Society,

The monologue in Good Will Hunting portrays Will’s vulnerability and defiance. His assertion, “You don’t know about real loss because it only occurs when you’ve loved something more than you love yourself,” portrays his emotional depth.

Happy viewing, Lily

10. This Quote Showcases

Scenario: You’re discussing a memorable line from a novel and want to showcase its significance.

Hello Readers,

The dialogue in Pride and Prejudice showcases Elizabeth Bennet’s wit and intelligence. Her retort, “I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine,” showcases her sharp tongue.

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Best regards, Daniel

11. This Quote Exemplifies

Scenario: You’re analyzing a poem and want to provide a quintessential example of a literary device.

Dear Poetry Enthusiasts,

The verse from Whitman’s Leaves of Grass exemplifies the theme of transcendentalism. His assertion, “I exist as I am, that is enough,” exemplifies the celebration of individualism.

Happy reading, Grace

12. This Quote Symbolizes

Scenario: You’re interpreting a symbol in a novel and want to explain its deeper significance.

Hello Literary Circle,

The motif of the green light in The Great Gatsby symbolizes Gatsby’s unattainable dream. Nick’s observation, “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us,” symbolizes the elusive nature of the American Dream.

Warm regards, Ella

13. This Quote Embodies

Scenario: You’re discussing the characterization of a protagonist and want to describe their defining trait.

Hi Book Club,

The dialogue in The Catcher in the Rye embodies Holden Caulfield’s disillusionment with society. His lament, “People never notice anything,” embodies his sense of alienation.

Happy reading, Noah

14. This Quote Represents

This quote represents

Scenario: You’re analyzing a historical speech and want to explain its broader significance.

Dear History Buffs,

The excerpt from Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” represents the resilience of the British people during WWII. His vow, “We shall never surrender,” represents their determination in the face of adversity.

Best wishes, Sophie

15. This Quote Manifests

Scenario: You’re critiquing a play and want to describe how a line embodies a theme.

Hello Theater Enthusiasts,

The dialogue in A Streetcar Named Desire manifests the fragility of sanity. Blanche’s assertion, “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers,” manifests her descent into delusion.

Enjoy the show, Lucas

16. This Quote Evokes

Scenario: You’re analyzing a piece of art and want to describe its emotional impact.

Dear Art Aficionados,

The dialogue in The Picture of Dorian Gray evokes a sense of decadence and decay. Dorian’s reflection, “I am jealousof everything that exists except this madness in me,” evokes the character’s inner turmoil and moral corruption.

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Warm regards, Sophie

17. This Quote Suggests

Scenario: You’re writing a literary critique and want to propose a possible interpretation of a quotation.

Dear Editorial Team,

The passage from The Great Gatsby suggests the allure of the American Dream. Gatsby’s longing, “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!” suggests his belief in the possibility of reinvention.

Best regards, Daniel

18. This Quote Captures

Scenario: You’re discussing a pivotal moment in a novel and want to describe how a line captures its essence.

Hello Fellow Readers,

The dialogue in The Hunger Games captures the brutality of the dystopian society. Katniss’s reflection, “Remember, we’re madly in love, so it’s all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it,” captures the facade of romance amidst adversity.

Happy reading, Emma

19. This Quote Mirrors

Scenario: You’re analyzing a character’s development in a story and want to highlight how a line reflects their growth.

Dear Literature Enthusiasts,

The dialogue in The Lord of the Rings mirrors Frodo’s inner struggle with temptation. His lament, “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” mirrors his burden of responsibility.

Best wishes, David

20. This Quote Reflects

Scenario: You’re critiquing a memoir and want to discuss how a passage reflects the author’s journey.

Hi Review Committee,

The excerpt from Educated reflects Tara Westover’s resilience in the face of adversity. Her affirmation, “You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them,” reflects her journey of self-discovery.

Warm regards, Olivia

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