15 Professional Ways to Say “Please See Attached”

In the fast-paced world of business communication, how you convey the simple act of attaching a document can make a significant difference. Using varied and professional language not only demonstrates your command of English but also adds a touch of refinement to your correspondence. Below are 15 professional ways to say “Please see attached,” each accompanied by a scenario example.

List of Professional Ways to Say “Please See Attached”

  • Please Refer to the Attached Document
  • Please Find the Attached Information
  • Please Review the Attached Document
  • I Have Attached the Necessary File for Your Perusal
  • Attached is the File You Inquired About
  • For Your Consideration, the Document is Attached
  • I Am Forwarding the Requested Document for Your Review
  • The Attached File Contains the Information You Need
  • Please Take a Moment to Examine the Attached Document
  • I Have Included the Relevant Document for Your Examination
  • Attached Herewith is the Required Information
  • I Am Enclosing the Requested Document for Your Attention
  • The Attached File Contains the Details We Discussed
  • I’ve included the Document You Requested in the Attachment
  • For Your Perusal, Please Find the Attached Document

1. Please Refer to the Attached Document

Dear Mr. Taylor,

I trust this message finds you well. Regarding our recent discussion on project milestones, please refer to the attached document for a detailed breakdown. Your insights on this matter are highly valued.

Best Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Discussing Project Updates

2. Please Find the Attached Information

Dear Justin,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. In response to your query about the upcoming team retreat, please find the attached information regarding the proposed agenda. Your thoughts on the schedule are appreciated.

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Warm Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Planning Team Retreat

3. Please Review the Attached Document

Hi Justin,

I appreciate your prompt response to our recent inquiry. Kindly take a moment to please review the attached document, which outlines the proposed changes to our marketing strategy. Looking forward to your valuable feedback.

Best, James Wilson

Scenario: Discussing Marketing Strategy Changes

4. I Have Attached the Necessary File for Your Perusal

Dear Mr. Taylor,

Following our conversation earlier today, I have attached the necessary file containing the financial projections for the upcoming quarter. Your insights into the numbers will be invaluable.

Kind Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Sharing Financial Projections

5. Attached is the File You Inquired About

Dear Justin,

I hope this email finds you well. As per your request, attached is the file you inquired about, detailing the client satisfaction survey results. Your observations on the findings are eagerly awaited.

Best Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Providing Survey Results

6. For Your Consideration, the Document is Attached

Dear Mr. Taylor,

In continuation of our recent discussions, for your consideration, the document is attached outlining the proposed amendments to the contract. Your approval or suggested modifications would be highly valued.

Sincerely, James Wilson

Scenario: Contract Amendments

7. I Am Forwarding the Requested Document for Your Review

Hello Justin,

Thank you for reaching out. As requested, I am forwarding the requested document for your review, summarizing the outcomes of the recent client meeting. Looking forward to your thoughts on the matter.

Best, James Wilson

Scenario: Client Meeting Summary

8. The Attached File Contains the Information You Need

Dear Mr. Taylor,

See also  15 Synonyms for “For Your Reference” in an Email

I hope this email finds you in good health. The attached file contains the information you need regarding the upcoming product launch. Your insights into the marketing strategy would be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Preparing for Product Launch

9. Please Take a Moment to Examine the Attached Document

Dear Justin,

I trust this email finds you well. In connection with our ongoing project, please take a moment to examine the attached document outlining the revised project timeline. Your feedback is crucial.

Best, James Wilson

Scenario: Project Timeline Revisions

10. I Have Included the Relevant Document for Your Examination

Dear Mr. Taylor,

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. As discussed earlier, I have included the relevant document for your examination regarding the proposed budget adjustments. Your insights will be instrumental in finalizing the budget.

Sincerely, James Wilson

Scenario: Budget Adjustments Discussion

11. Attached Herewith is the Required Information

Dear Justin,

I trust this email finds you well. In response to your recent inquiry, attached herewith is the required information detailing the upcoming team training sessions. Your participation is eagerly awaited.

Warm Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Team Training Sessions Information

12. I Am Enclosing the Requested Document for Your Attention

Hello Mr. Taylor,

Following our recent conversation, I am enclosing the requested document for your attention, providing a comprehensive overview of the latest market trends. Your insights would be highly valued.

Best, James Wilson

Scenario: Market Trends Overview

Don’t miss to read out Synonyms for “For Your Reference” in an Email

13. The Attached File Contains the Details We Discussed

Dear Justin,

I hope this email finds you well. The attached file contains the details we discussed during our last meeting, outlining the proposed changes to our project management approach. Your feedback on these adjustments is crucial.

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Best Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Project Management Approach Changes

14. I’ve Included the Document You Requested in the Attachment

Dear Mr. Taylor,

Thank you for your swift response. As promised, I’ve included the document you requested in the attachment, summarizing the key points from our recent client presentation. Looking forward to your insights.

Sincerely, James Wilson

Scenario: Client Presentation Summary

15. For Your Perusal, Please Find the Attached Document

Hello Justin,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. For your perusal, please find the attached document containing the draft proposal for the upcoming project. Your input on this matter is highly valued.

Best Regards, James Wilson

Scenario: Draft Proposal for Project

Pros and Cons of Different Phrases


  • Diversity: Using a variety of phrases adds richness and professionalism to your communication.
  • Politeness: These phrases convey your message in a courteous and respectful manner.
  • Clarity: Each phrase clearly indicates the presence of an attached document.


  • Redundancy: Some phrases may sound similar, and using them interchangeably might seem repetitive.
  • Length: The added formality may slightly extend the length of your message.

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