Brand New or Brand-New? Which Form is Correct?

In the English language, the usage of compound words can sometimes be confusing, especially when it comes to hyphenation. One such common dilemma is whether to write “Brand New” as two separate words, “Brand-New” with a hyphen, or even “Brandnew” as a single word.

This seemingly simple decision can affect the clarity and correctness of your writing. Let’s delve into the intricacies of these variations and shed light on when to use each.

Brand New: Two Separate Words

Brand New or Brand-New

“Brand New” written as two separate words is the traditional and most widely accepted form. In this structure, “brand” functions as an adjective describing the condition of being new. Here are six scenarios illustrating the correct usage of “Brand New”:

  • Retail Advertisement: “Our store offers a wide selection of brand new smartphones.”
  • Product Packaging: “The company ensures that all items are delivered in brand new condition.”
  • Online Listing: “The seller guarantees that the car is brand new with zero miles on the odometer.”
  • Conversation: “I just bought a brand new laptop, and it works perfectly!”
  • Formal Writing: “The company policy states that only brand new equipment should be used.”
  • E-commerce Description: “The website offers a variety of brand new and refurbished items.”

Brand-New: Hyphenated Form

brand new

“Brand-New,” with a hyphen connecting the two words, is also acceptable in many contexts, particularly when emphasizing the freshness or novelty of an item. This hyphenated form is commonly used in informal writing. Here are six examples demonstrating the correct usage of “Brand-New”:

  • Marketing Slogan: “Introducing our brand-new line of organic skincare products!”
  • Event Announcement: “Join us for the brand-new music festival this weekend.”
  • Advertisement Tagline: “Get your hands on the brand-new gaming console before it’s sold out!”
  • Social Media Post: “Check out our brand-new website design – sleek and user-friendly!”
  • Blog Title: “Unboxing the brand-new iPhone: First Impressions”
  • Product Launch Announcement: “Exciting news! Our brand-new flavor of ice cream hits shelves tomorrow.”
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Brandnew: One Word

While “Brandnew” as one word may occasionally appear in informal communication or creative writing, it is generally considered nonstandard and should be avoided in formal contexts. Using “Brandnew” as a single word lacks clarity and can confuse readers. Here are six instances where “Brandnew” would be incorrect:

  • Business Proposal: “We aim to provide customers with brand new products every season.”
  • Professional Email: “Please ensure that all documents are in brand-new condition before submission.”
  • Academic Essay: “The study examines the impact of brand-new technology on consumer behavior.”
  • Instruction Manual: “Each product comes with a brand-new warranty card for your convenience.”
  • Legal Document: “The contract stipulates that all equipment must be delivered in brand-new condition.”
  • Resume Writing: “Implemented a strategy to introduce brand-new product lines, resulting in increased sales.”


In conclusion, whether you choose to write “Brand New,” “Brand-New,” or “Brandnew” depends on the context and formality of your writing. While “Brand New” and “Brand-New” are widely accepted and understood, “Brandnew” as a single word would be considered incorrect in formal or professional settings. By understanding the nuances of these compound words, you can communicate effectively and confidently in your written communications.

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